02 December 2010

November 17...last time I posted?!

I'm sorry! School has gotten the best of me ;) Finals are next week and I'm quite excited! Pretty sure everyone is. . . if I may. Anyway!

Not much has happened. Just preparing for school and taking each day at a time. Maybe that's why I haven't blogged. Nothing exciting ever happens in my life! Someday, I'm sure it will! :)

17 November 2010

New blog

Hopefully I'll get this one fixed up looking real cute like stephsbloggerisms.blogspot.com :) Super cute, Steph!!

But in the meantime, check out my other blog: sillydaysalltheway.blogspot.com! :)
Enjoy, fellow bloggers! :)

15 November 2010


Almost a whole month since I last posted! I'm sorrrry!

Life is pretty good! I founded a new blog: http://www.sillydaysalltheway.blogspot.com/ :) check it out! Let me know what you think! :)

Congratulations to Stephanie & Ryan on their engagement! That's awesome!! I'm so excited! :) Love you guys!

17 October 2010


First off, it's been exactly a month since I last blogged. Sorry, fellow bloggers! :/

I titled this "Shoes" because DSW is my favorite shoe store. EVER. And I'm part of their rewards program and they just sent me this cute little postcard type thing that says "We miss you. There are so many reasons to come back. . . " with lots of pictures of shoes and handbags on it. It's a coupon and I pretty much want to go use it. I have this weird thing where if I have a coupon, for something like that, I have to go use it. Whether it's online or in the store, I have to. Otherwise I become sad. And there is no such thing as too many pairs of shoes. Or purses. Or clothes. Just sayin'.

'Tis been an interesting week and weekend this time around. Very interesting. Little tough, but hey, it happens, right? I just have to move past it.

I'm currently reading the third book in the Hunger Games series, Mockingjay. This series is amazing. Suzanne Collins, the author, is an excellent writer and she gives you so many emotions and details that really let you connect with the main character. It feels as if you are right there next to the character, going through everything with her. It's really quite amazing and I recommend it to everyone!

I wish I could be in a book club.

I have received many stamps-by many I mean hundreds haha-and so I'm excited to start using them. All different kinds of stamps for all different kinds of seasons or occasions. New baby, moving, happy birthday, holidays, thank you's, get well, etc. I really love them. They came from my grandmother who is currently in the process of moving, so she asked if I wanted some of her collection. SOME, mind you. Which means she has more that she either kept or gave to other people who would enjoy them as much as I will. I'm excited to organize them and start stamping! =)

I miss my sister, Charlye, who is in NY going to NYU. She should be coming home for the Chirstmas/New Year holiday, but we'll see how that goes haha.

I want to do something cute with my blog...something everyday to share with fellow bloggers. I am thinking starting up a new blog and having the following on it:

"Must Have Monday"
"Favorite Quotes Tuesday"
"Recipe Wednesday"
"Story Thursday"
"Picture Friday"
"Random Saturday"

"Word of the Day" (everyday!)

These are just ideas. Let me know what you think! :)

17 September 2010


Life is. School is. Studying is. Everything is hard. Eh, what can you do? Live it to the fullest! So that is what I am doing. I'm going to school, doing my homework and hanging out with my family. I'm walking on sunshine. :) I have been back on track to reading my scriptures everynight; lots of credit goes to one of my very best friends :)

I am also focusing on all my missionary friends coming home in the next 3 months! I am so excited for that! Things have changed, but it'll be great to have them back! :) Hey are all great and they have all grown, I see it in their letters.

Good-bye by Audio Adrenaline is a good song. Look it up.

I love Glee. Good show. Grey's Anatomy is starting up. And my other favorite show, One Tree Hill is starting up :) Pretty exciting.

Okay I know this was a jumbled blog, but it's how I'm feeling lol. I am happy, just some days are harder than others, that's all. :/